Case Of Giant Condyloma Acuminatum Of Buschke- Löwenstein: OAJBS Publishers
Case Of Giant Condyloma Acuminatum Of Buschke- Löwenstein by Selma Benkirane* in Open Access Journal of Biomedical Science (OAJBS) An 89-year-old patient, does not report the notion of unprotected sexual intercourse, treated for years by touching with trichloroacetic acid for genital warts, presenting a budding mass extending from the pubis to the glans evolving for 2 years. Clinical examination revealed an exophytic budding ulcerating 7 cm tumor, papillomatous in perineal cauliflower with damage to part of the glans, fetid and painless (Figure 1). Dermoscopic examination showed a papillomatous appearance, keratin, and polymorphic vascularity surrounded by whitish halos (Figure 2). The lymph nodes were free. The HIV, syphilitic and hepatitis B and C serologies were negative. The histological examination of a biopsy sample revealed an epitheliomatous hyperplasia made of an acanthosic, papillomatous malpighian coating, overcome by a parakeratotic hyperkeratosis with presence of ...