Cryoanesthesia As A Supplementary Aid To The Mandibular Anesthetic Technique In Endodontics: A Preliminary Experience: OAJBS Publishers

Cryoanesthesia As A Supplementary Aid To The Mandibular Anesthetic Technique In Endodontics: A Preliminary Experience by Martha Rebolledo Cobos* in Open Access Journal of Biomedical Science (OAJBS)

This are an-in vivo quasi-experimental study with a convenience sample of 126 patients who met the criteria for selection. The clinical history was completed, obtaining socio-demographic characteristics, including the diagnosis of IP. After previously signing informed consent, patients were anesthetized applying the inferior alveolar anesthetic technique; after a period of five minutes, molars were completely isolated, then dry ice spray was applied for two seconds. Subsequently, a conventional access cavity was opened, applying intrapulpal anesthesia upon pulp exposure. For the purpose of measuring the pain experienced by the patients during access cavity opening and instrumentation procedures, the Heft-Parker modified visual analog scale (HPVAS) was used.

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