Ivanova Natalia Evgenievna | Biomedscis Editor
Biomedscis Honorable Editors Name: Ivanova Natalia Evgenievna Department: Department of Russian Polenov Neurosurgical Institute University: National Medical Research Center Country: Russia Ivanova Natalia Evgenievna, doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, head of the scientific Department of the "Russian Polenov Neurosurgical Institute ", - branch of "National Medical Research Center after V. A. Almazov ", chief neurologist of the Institute, honored doctor of the Russian Federation, Deputy editor-in-chief Of the Russian neurosurgical journal, prof. A. L. Polenov, member of the Board of the Association of neurosurgeons of Russia. The main directions of scientific and practical activity are neurosurgical pathology of brain vessels, neurotrauma, neurorehabilitation and ultrasound diagnostics. Author of 450 scientific works, including 30 patents and three monographs, supervisor of 30 candidates and 4 doctors of Sciences in "nerve diseases" ...